Are You Ready For A Unique Experience?
Time to take a unique trip via tractor drawn wagon. Simple in concept, magical for our younger audience (toddler through elementary age) and also very family friendly. This ride has become a holiday tradition for so many families since its inception in 2020. Santa's elves have hidden tinsel candy canes among the field lines, in our farm stand, and around our farm. You need to count them.
While counting our tinsel candy canes on our 20-25minute wagon ride, you will encounter 5 candy cane station stops. Each stop has candy canes and each person is allowed one candy cane per person per stop. There is a surprise flavor at each stop because on our farm, no two candy cane stops are the same.
Candy Cane Hunt Day Rides...
Santa's Elves have hidden tinsel candy canes in the fields and along the field line. You will need your keen eyesight along with help from your family and friends to find all of the candy canes that the elves have left behind. Our ride lasts approximately 20 minutes. Our day riders have the option of taking photos in our photo area inside our high tunnel.
Please note: We only offer s'mores by the fire during our night rides.
Candy Cane Hunt Night Rides...
Santa's Elves have hidden tinsel candy canes in the fields and along the field line. You will need flashlights to find all of the candy canes that the elves have left behind. Our ride lasts approximately 20 minutes with the added option of purchasing s'mores to roast by the fire pit (weather permitting).