Anawan Farm Community Initiatives
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
-Helen Keller
anawan farm
Help us reduce your waste and reduce the waste in our local landfills. Bring your leaves and your food scraps to Anawan Farm.
Our objective is to take your waste free of charge which in turn alleviates the amount of waste dumped at our landfills. Your waste will be used to create nutrient rich compost for our fields. This program is FREE. It costs nothing to help our farm and help our environment!
anawan farm
Council on Aging initiative
Calling all senior center program directors! We want our local seniors to have access to use their SNAP and Senior Coupons.
Our objective is to work with local area senior centers by taking weekly orders, fulfilling them and delivering them to your local senior center for pick up. We want to provide our senior community access to fresh, organic produce without the hassle of having to travel long distances.
anawan farm
Here's a chance to earn while you learn! Our volunteer program is quite fantastic.
Our objective is to involve our community, to teach them a trick or two about farming, or gardening, and supply our veggies for your family in return. Work 4hours a week to earn a substantial amount of veggies, enough to feed a family of four. We have thoroughly enjoyed our workshare initiative over the years. We have had the chance to learn from you too!