Healthy Foods, Healthy Hearts COA Initiative
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About Our Healthy Foods, Healthy Hearts COA Initiative
Anawan Farm believes our local elderly population should have easy access to farm fresh, certified organic produce. We understand that not all seniors are in a position to drive to farmers markets or to the actual farm itself for their produce which is why this program brings our produce to you.
We have observed a few key issues over the past 5 years of attending various local farmers markets:
Many seniors do not know they are eligible for SNAP/HIP benefits
Seniors do not know they are eligible for senior coupons
Most seniors do not understand how to use their SNAP/HIP benefits to their fullest potential.
With this said, we are moving forward with our own initiative in 2022 to bring produce to our local councils within Bristol County, Massachusetts.

What Can Our Farm Offer Seniors at Your Location?
Certified Organic Vegetables: A variety of vegetables from radishes, lettuces in June to eggplants, beets, tomatoes, peppers, etc in June. We do not grow exotic vegetables.
Delivery! We will bring our produce to your center providing easy access to healthy produce. Our vegetables are super farm fresh & certified organic. We also work with other local certified organic farms in order to bring our customers a varied selection weekly.
Weekly Produce Availability: There will be an online produce availability list. This list can be printed and distributed throughout your community.
Choose to shop in person or have a weekly drop off at your location.
Acceptance of almost all major forms of payment: SNAP/HIP and Senior Coupons. Our farm is registered to accept SNAP/HIP, Senior Coupons, Cash, or Credit Cards. We no longer accept checks at this time.
Establishments Can Choose From One Of Two Weekly Options:
Weekly Produce Options

Who facilitates the Orders?
Your local council on aging will be the facilitator for their elderly constituents. The council will help them gain access to our farm fresh vegetables and value added products by helping place weekly orders online.
Each week we will send a list of our available veggies to our local participating councils. The councils can either print and/or email the list to their population.
Who takes the Orders?
Your council will collect the orders for the week.
Who enters the orders?
The paper orders need to be entered in by a participating member of the council or a trusted volunteer.
Is there a minimum number of participants in order to take part in this program.
Yes. Unfortunately, there is a 30 person minimum. This means that the council must have a decent amount of interest in order for our farm to pack orders, deliver to the proper area and collect payment.
How is payment made?
Seniors will have the option of paying via SNAP or credit card upon pick up.
Do you accept checks as a form of payment?
No. We do not accept checks as a form of payment. The checks are never guaranteed to clear.
Where do they pick up their ordered produce?
Senior's will pick up at their local council in a spot you designate. Please choose an area that is easy to access for our drop off personnel. The 2.5hr window for drop off is very strict. Employees are expensive. An extra hour means two to three for us because we cannot pack up until all of our orders are picked up and paid for.
If orders are not picked up on the arranged day, they will be taken back and will NOT be fulfilled at a later time frame.
How does this option work?
We show up with what we have in stock on the farm weekly. We set our produce up as we would during our farmers markets and customers can shop the tent.
Who facilitates the Orders?
No orders are taken! This option is easiest for everyone.
Spreading the word!
We leave the responsibility up to your council to adequately advertise the weekly council shopping visit. Some ideas may be send flyers, postcards, advertise on local town channels, via social media, etc.
Is there a minimum number of participants in order to take part in this program.
Yes. Unfortunately, there is a 50 person minimum. This means that the council must have a decent amount of interest in order for our farm to bring our goods to the council, set up a market style choice system.
Why is the minimum so high?
If the average senior spends approximately $10 per order, then our time to harvest, pack, unpack, sell, hire someone to sell for us, needs to be well advertised and coordinated.
How is payment made?
Seniors will have the option of paying via snap or credit card upon pick up.
Do you accept checks as a form of payment?
No. We do not accept checks as a form of payment. The checks are never guaranteed to clear.
A few items to note for this option:
Setup for this option is one hour before. Breakdown is one hour after. This is a 5 hour commitment not including the process of growing, harvesting, washing, packing, etc.
Please be aware that we run on limited staff. Extra time equals extra cost. We will set up promptly and leave promptly.